Postwar light tanks

The short period between two world wars was the time that light tanks were flourishing. In those times, light tanks along with even smaller ultra-light tanks and tankettes formed the basis of armored troops in most armies. However, during World War II the use conditions of light vehicles changed to very specific tasks, what caused development of new types of armored vehicles.

In the late 20th century, all the vehicles that could traditionally be referred to as light tanks were represented by armored reconnaissance vehicles (FV101 Scorpion), and light tank destroyers (Ikv 91, Steyr SK 105 Kürassier, 2S25 Sprut-SD). Nevertheless, real light tanks remained in service in some states.

This photo review is devoted to tracked combat vehicles from the second half of the 20th century to the early 21st century that are either officially classified as light tanks, or combine characteristics that allow them to be referred to as light tanks nowadays. Such characteristics are at least bulletproof armor, a mass that is significantly less than that of other battle tanks, relatively powerful main armament (medium caliber cannons designed for direct fire), and the absence of a possibility to transport infantrymen.

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​PT-76, USSR. In service since 1951. The photo shows a captured PT-76 of the Egyptian army at Yad La-Shiryon. This amphibious vehicle has a three-man crew and is equipped with a 240-horsepower engine; its mass equals 14.5 tonnes. The armament includes a 76.2 mm cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun. More than 3,000 vehicles were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
PT-76, USSR. In service since 1951. The photo shows a captured PT-76 of the Egyptian army at Yad La-Shiryon. This amphibious vehicle has a three-man crew and is equipped with a 240-horsepower engine; its mass equals 14.5 tonnes. The armament includes a 76.2 mm cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun. More than 3,000 vehicles were built
​AMX-13, France. Produced since 1952. The AMX-13-105 in the picture belongs to the army of Peru and has additional 12.7 mm machine guns and ATGMs. Its mass is equal to 14.5 tonnes, and the engine capacity is 250-horsepower. The armament includes a 75 mm, 90 mm, or 105 mm (from the 70s) cannon with an autoloader, and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The vehicle has a three-man crew. About 7,700 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
AMX-13, France. Produced since 1952. The AMX-13-105 in the picture belongs to the army of Peru and has additional 12.7 mm machine guns and ATGMs. Its mass is equal to 14.5 tonnes, and the engine capacity is 250-horsepower. The armament includes a 75 mm, 90 mm, or 105 mm (from the 70s) cannon with an autoloader, and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The vehicle has a three-man crew. About 7,700 pieces of equipment were built
​M41 Walker Bulldog, USA. In service since 1953. The photo shows a modification of the M41 DK1 of the Danish army. The mass of the original M41 is equal to 23.5 tonnes. The vehicle is equipped with a 500-horsepower engine, a 76.2 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. Its crew includes four people. More than 3,000 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
M41 Walker Bulldog, USA. In service since 1953. The photo shows a modification of the M41 DK1 of the Danish army. The mass of the original M41 is equal to 23.5 tonnes. The vehicle is equipped with a 500-horsepower engine, a 76.2 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. Its crew includes four people. More than 3,000 pieces of equipment were built
​T92, USA. Two prototypes were assembled in 1955-1957; however, the vehicle was never accepted into service. The tank weighs 16.8 tonnes and has a 340-horsepower engine. Its armament includes a 76.2 mm cannon, one 12.7 mm, and two 7.62 mm machine guns. The crew includes four people - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
T92, USA. Two prototypes were assembled in 1955-1957; however, the vehicle was never accepted into service. The tank weighs 16.8 tonnes and has a 340-horsepower engine. Its armament includes a 76.2 mm cannon, one 12.7 mm, and two 7.62 mm machine guns. The crew includes four people
​Type 62, China. In service since 1963. The tank in the picture is an exhibit at the memorial complex devoted to the events on Damansky Island in 1969. It weighs 20.5 tonnes and is equipped with a 430-horsepower engine. Its armament includes an 85 mm cannon, and two (12.7 and 7.62 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. About 2,000 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Type 62, China. In service since 1963. The tank in the picture is an exhibit at the memorial complex devoted to the events on Damansky Island in 1969. It weighs 20.5 tonnes and is equipped with a 430-horsepower engine. Its armament includes an 85 mm cannon, and two (12.7 and 7.62 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. About 2,000 pieces of equipment were built
​Type 63, China. In service since 1963. This amphibious tank weighs 18.4 tonnes and is equipped with a 402-horsepower engine. Its armament includes an 85 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. More than 1,800 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Type 63, China. In service since 1963. This amphibious tank weighs 18.4 tonnes and is equipped with a 402-horsepower engine. Its armament includes an 85 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. More than 1,800 pieces of equipment were built
​M551 Sheridan, USA. In service since 1969. This amphibious tank weighs 15.2 tonnes and has a 300-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 152 mm gun, anti-tank guided missiles, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. More than 1,700 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
M551 Sheridan, USA. In service since 1969. This amphibious tank weighs 15.2 tonnes and has a 300-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 152 mm gun, anti-tank guided missiles, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. More than 1,700 pieces of equipment were built
​SK-105 Kürassier, Austria. In service since 1971. The tank is based on the Saurer APC with a modified turret from the AMX-13. It weighs 17.7 tonnes and is equipped with a 320-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 105 mm cannon, and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The vehicle has a three-man crew. About 600 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
SK-105 Kürassier, Austria. In service since 1971. The tank is based on the Saurer APC with a modified turret from the AMX-13. It weighs 17.7 tonnes and is equipped with a 320-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 105 mm cannon, and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The vehicle has a three-man crew. About 600 pieces of equipment were built
​FV101 Scorpion, UK. In service since 1973. The tank in the picture is from the British armored forces in Belize, 1989. It weighs 8.1 tonnes and is equipped with a 190-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 76 mm cannon (or 90 mm when it comes to the Scorpion 90 version), and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The crew consists of three people. About 1,500 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
FV101 Scorpion, UK. In service since 1973. The tank in the picture is from the British armored forces in Belize, 1989. It weighs 8.1 tonnes and is equipped with a 190-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 76 mm cannon (or 90 mm when it comes to the Scorpion 90 version), and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The crew consists of three people. About 1,500 pieces of equipment were built
​Type 64, Taiwan. In service since 1975. The tank is based on the M42 Duster chassis and the M18 Hellcat turret. It weighs 25 tonnes and is equipped with a 500-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 76 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. More than 50 pieces of equipment were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Type 64, Taiwan. In service since 1975. The tank is based on the M42 Duster chassis and the M18 Hellcat turret. It weighs 25 tonnes and is equipped with a 500-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 76 mm cannon, and two (7.62 mm and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. More than 50 pieces of equipment were built
​Ikv 91 (short for Infanterikanonvagn 91), Sweden. In service since 1976. The tank weighs 16.3 tonnes and is equipped with a 330-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 90 mm cannon, and two 7.62 mm machine guns. 212 vehicles were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Ikv 91 (short for Infanterikanonvagn 91), Sweden. In service since 1976. The tank weighs 16.3 tonnes and is equipped with a 330-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 90 mm cannon, and two 7.62 mm machine guns. 212 vehicles were built
​Expeditionary tank, USA. The prototype was ready in 1985, but it was never accepted into service. The turret developed for this vehicle is used on the M1128 Mobile Gun System. The vehicle has a 660-horsepower engine and weighs 19 tonnes, but the mass can reach 30 tonnes when add-on armor is used. The main armament is a 105 mm cannon with an autoloader and fire rate of 6 rounds per minute. The crew consists of two people - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Expeditionary tank, USA. The prototype was ready in 1985, but it was never accepted into service. The turret developed for this vehicle is used on the M1128 Mobile Gun System. The vehicle has a 660-horsepower engine and weighs 19 tonnes, but the mass can reach 30 tonnes when add-on armor is used. The main armament is a 105 mm cannon with an autoloader and fire rate of 6 rounds per minute. The crew consists of two people
​Stingray, USA. It is in service since 1988 and is still used by the Thai army. The tank weighs 22.6 tonnes and is equipped with a 550-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 105 mm cannon, and two (7.62 and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. At least 106 vehicles were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Stingray, USA. It is in service since 1988 and is still used by the Thai army. The tank weighs 22.6 tonnes and is equipped with a 550-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 105 mm cannon, and two (7.62 and 12.7 mm) machine guns. The crew consists of four people. At least 106 vehicles were built
​Type 63A, China. Produced since 1997. It is a modification of the amphibious Type 63 with a 105 mm cannon. The tank weighs 20 tonnes and is equipped with a 581-horsepower engine. The crew consists of four people. In the 2000s, the People's Liberation Army had about 300 vehicles - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
Type 63A, China. Produced since 1997. It is a modification of the amphibious Type 63 with a 105 mm cannon. The tank weighs 20 tonnes and is equipped with a 581-horsepower engine. The crew consists of four people. In the 2000s, the People's Liberation Army had about 300 vehicles
​CV90120-T, Sweden. The prototype was built in 1998. The vehicle is based on the CV90 armored tracked chassis, weighs 28 tonnes, and is equipped with a 615-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 120mm cannon, and a 7.62mm machine gun - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
CV90120-T, Sweden. The prototype was built in 1998. The vehicle is based on the CV90 armored tracked chassis, weighs 28 tonnes, and is equipped with a 615-horsepower engine. The armament includes a 120mm cannon, and a 7.62mm machine gun
​2S25 Sprut-SD, Russia. In service since 2005. It is an airborne and amphibious self-propelled tank destroyer. The vehicle weighs 18 tonnes, is equipped with a 510-horsepower engine, and has a three-man crew. The armament includes a 125 mm cannon, a 7.62 mm machine gun. About 36 vehicles were built - Postwar light tanks | Warspot.net
2S25 Sprut-SD, Russia. In service since 2005. It is an airborne and amphibious self-propelled tank destroyer. The vehicle weighs 18 tonnes, is equipped with a 510-horsepower engine, and has a three-man crew. The armament includes a 125 mm cannon, a 7.62 mm machine gun. About 36 vehicles were built

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