Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology

In the near Moscow region, at the 4th kilometer of the Ilyinsky highway, there is an amazing museum, which has the largest in Russia and one of the largest in Europe expositions of military and civilian equipment of the 20th century. We are talking about the private museum of Vadim Zadorozhny, opened in 2005 in the village of Arkhangelskoye, Krasnogorsky district, Moscow region.

Since the opening of the museum, its exposition has increased hundreds of times and today is located on a huge open area, as well as on three floors of the building. More than 1000 exhibits are presented on the total area of the museum which is more than 6000 square meters. The uniqueness of this museum is that military aircraft, tanks, guns, air defense systems and Multiple launch rocket system, which are adjacent to civilian cars, fire equipment, motorcycles and tractors are located in one place. The museum's collection is constantly updated, and you can see something new almost in every new visit. The museum also has its own restoration workshop, where you can see the process of restoring unique machines.

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​View of the entrance to the museum. Visitors are greeted by the fortress tools of the late XIX century - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
View of the entrance to the museum. Visitors are greeted by the fortress tools of the late XIX century
​​«Parade crew» Tanks. Vehicles from the museum's exposition regularly take part in parades on Red Square - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
​«Parade crew» Tanks. Vehicles from the museum's exposition regularly take part in parades on Red Square
​«Parade crew» Tanks. In the open area, you can see T-37A, T-38, T-70 tanks, as well as T-60 tanks produced by various factories - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
«Parade crew» Tanks. In the open area, you can see T-37A, T-38, T-70 tanks, as well as T-60 tanks produced by various factories
​Self-propelled artillery mount SU-76. This copy also participates in parades. It is noteworthy that these cars were not «on the move» until recently - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Self-propelled artillery mount SU-76. This copy also participates in parades. It is noteworthy that these cars were not «on the move» until recently
​Rare civilian vehicles adjoin tanks – tractor «Universal», produced since the 1930s. «Universal» – the first Soviet tractor, which was exported in large quantities - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Rare civilian vehicles adjoin tanks – tractor «Universal», produced since the 1930s. «Universal» – the first Soviet tractor, which was exported in large quantities
​Locomobile – the predecessor of the tractor. This copy was produced in England in 1896 and was found on an abandoned farm in Sweden in 2008 - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Locomobile – the predecessor of the tractor. This copy was produced in England in 1896 and was found on an abandoned farm in Sweden in 2008
​Remains of the T-60 «Stalinets» tractor. Was produced in Chelyabinsk in 1933-1937 - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Remains of the T-60 «Stalinets» tractor. Was produced in Chelyabinsk in 1933-1937
​Impressive Soviet coastal 100-mm anti-aircraft gun KSM-65. During 1951-1956, 116 such guns were produced - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Impressive Soviet coastal 100-mm anti-aircraft gun KSM-65. During 1951-1956, 116 such guns were produced
​Among the military equipment is a field kitchen, next to which the view of a field soldier's canteen is recreated - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Among the military equipment is a field kitchen, next to which the view of a field soldier's canteen is recreated
​View of the «alley of vehicles». In the photo — a small section of the alley, along which military equipment is placed. Here you can see tanks, as well as artillery, anti-aircraft and missile systems - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
View of the «alley of vehicles». In the photo — a small section of the alley, along which military equipment is placed. Here you can see tanks, as well as artillery, anti-aircraft and missile systems
​Rare «animal» in Russia – Israeli tank M-50 (М4А3 «Sherman») - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Rare «animal» in Russia – Israeli tank M-50 (М4А3 «Sherman»)
​Multiple launch rocket system 9K57 «Hurricane» - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Multiple launch rocket system 9K57 «Hurricane»
​Tank T-55A. The museum presents a line of relatively modern tanks, which are still involved in local conflicts around the world today. In the background – barrel anti-tank artillery - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Tank T-55A. The museum presents a line of relatively modern tanks, which are still involved in local conflicts around the world today. In the background – barrel anti-tank artillery
​​T-10M – the last Soviet serial heavy tank, further development of the IS line - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
​T-10M – the last Soviet serial heavy tank, further development of the IS line
​​Tank T-10 with Anti-tank guided missile «Rubin» - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
​Tank T-10 with Anti-tank guided missile «Rubin»
​Self-propelled artillery mount ISU-152 in winter camouflage - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Self-propelled artillery mount ISU-152 in winter camouflage
​IS-2 tank – a machine that has not been touched too much by the post-war modernization. Combat damage can be seen on the left cheekbone of the turret, the cannon and under the Gun mantlet - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
IS-2 tank – a machine that has not been touched too much by the post-war modernization. Combat damage can be seen on the left cheekbone of the turret, the cannon and under the Gun mantlet
​​Jet fighter-interceptor Yak-28P. In addition to tanks and artillery systems, a large number of samples of aviation equipment is presented in the open area: jet fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
​Jet fighter-interceptor Yak-28P. In addition to tanks and artillery systems, a large number of samples of aviation equipment is presented in the open area: jet fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters
​View of the museum halls. Once inside, it is easy to get confused by the abundance of planes and cars - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
View of the museum halls. Once inside, it is easy to get confused by the abundance of planes and cars
​​ IL-2 attack aircraft engine. Raised together with an aircraft that made an emergency landing on the ice of one of the lakes in the Murmansk region during the war - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
IL-2 attack aircraft engine. Raised together with an aircraft that made an emergency landing on the ice of one of the lakes in the Murmansk region during the war
​Fighter Yak-1 lifted from the bottom of a lake near Severomorsk in 2012. Fought in the 20th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Northern Fleet Air Force - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Fighter Yak-1 lifted from the bottom of a lake near Severomorsk in 2012. Fought in the 20th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Northern Fleet Air Force
​The Yak-3 fighter is the second aircraft raised at the expense of the collective farmer Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty. Returned from the USA in 2014 - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
The Yak-3 fighter is the second aircraft raised at the expense of the collective farmer Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty. Returned from the USA in 2014
​Soviet light armored car FAI - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Soviet light armored car FAI
​The hall displays a huge number of civil aviation and automotive equipment of the mid-twentieth century - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
The hall displays a huge number of civil aviation and automotive equipment of the mid-twentieth century
​Cars — «American», «German» and «French» - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Cars — «American», «German» and «French»
​Going up to the second floor, you can see the planes up close. The SPAD S. VII was a French fighter aircraft that fought in the First World War - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Going up to the second floor, you can see the planes up close. The SPAD S. VII was a French fighter aircraft that fought in the First World War
​The Samples of weapons and household items of German soldiers could also be found on the second floor - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
The Samples of weapons and household items of German soldiers could also be found on the second floor
​​German watchman - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
​German watchman
​Motorcycles and anti-aircraft machine guns - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Motorcycles and anti-aircraft machine guns
​The German self-propelled mine Goliaph Sd.Kfz. 302 is in the foreground, behind — Volkswagen Typ 82 - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
The German self-propelled mine Goliaph Sd.Kfz. 302 is in the foreground, behind — Volkswagen Typ 82
​German fighter Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 and German anti-aircraft gun Flak-38 - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
German fighter Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 and German anti-aircraft gun Flak-38
​German motorcycle collection - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
German motorcycle collection
​Soviet motorcycle collection - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Soviet motorcycle collection
​Jawa motorcycle line - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Jawa motorcycle line
​Infantry small arms could also be found among the exhibits of the museum. Presented are Both modern models and weapons of the first half of the XX century - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
Infantry small arms could also be found among the exhibits of the museum. Presented are Both modern models and weapons of the first half of the XX century
​American motorcycles and a transporter. In the foreground – Soviet heavy machine guns - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
American motorcycles and a transporter. In the foreground – Soviet heavy machine guns
​A horse-drawn machine gun wagon “Tachanka” – very rare sample weapon of the Red Army - Photo Excursions: Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology | Warspot.net
A horse-drawn machine gun wagon “Tachanka” – very rare sample weapon of the Red Army
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