Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view

For 90 years of its existence (1899-1989), weekly magazine “La Domenica del Corriere” — “Sunday Courier”), published in Milan as a supplement to the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” (“Evening Courier”), became a real window on the world for the Italian citizen. At a time when there was no Internet or television, and the possibilities of full-color printing were limited, artists had to pursue realism in displaying the most high-profile events of that time. The era of illustrations in the style of “Charlie Hebdo” will come much later, when there are no more problems with the visual components of the news.

It is the bright full-color covers and supplements that “La Domenica del Corriere” is famous for to this day, being a popular collectible. These pictures can be used to study the history of the 20th century, including the military one. Over the years of World War II, several hundred issues of the weekly magazine were published, and below we present a selection of drawings by artists Walter Molino, Alvaro Mairani, Achille Beltrame and Vittorio Pisani. It is up to the reader to judge the extent to which the display of events corresponds to reality.

​Issue dated May 3, 1942: German ultra-long-range artillery shells Leningrad - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated May 3, 1942: German ultra-long-range artillery shells Leningrad
​Issue dated November 1, 1942: British tanks attacked by Italian aircraft - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated November 1, 1942: British tanks attacked by Italian aircraft
​Issue dated March 30, 1941: Italian-German air raid on Malta - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated March 30, 1941: Italian-German air raid on Malta
​Issue dated April 18, 1943: German and Finnish skiers assault a caravan of Soviet ships frozen in the ice on Ladoga lake - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated April 18, 1943: German and Finnish skiers assault a caravan of Soviet ships frozen in the ice on Ladoga lake
​Issue dated December 7, 1941: Duel of a British tank and a German tank in Africa - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated December 7, 1941: Duel of a British tank and a German tank in Africa
​Issue dated October 4, 1942: Bersaglieri fight the Soviet assault force on the Don - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated October 4, 1942: Bersaglieri fight the Soviet assault force on the Don
​Issue dated May 31, 1942: Bersaglieri storm a Soviet pillbox during the battles near Kharkov - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated May 31, 1942: Bersaglieri storm a Soviet pillbox during the battles near Kharkov
​Issue dated October 12, 1941: Battles for the palaces of Peterhof near Leningrad - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated October 12, 1941: Battles for the palaces of Peterhof near Leningrad
​Issue dated April 11, 1943: Spring thaw in Russia - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated April 11, 1943: Spring thaw in Russia
​Issue dated January 10, 1943: Hand-to-hand combat on the Don, attackers are the Alpine riflemen of the «Julia» division - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated January 10, 1943: Hand-to-hand combat on the Don, attackers are the Alpine riflemen of the «Julia» division
​Issue dated April 1, 1945: a German nurse tied to the armor of the Sherman, according to the authors of the drawing, is the best remedy for German Faustpatrones. The episode was claimed to had taken place near Guben in East Prussia - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated April 1, 1945: a German nurse tied to the armor of the Sherman, according to the authors of the drawing, is the best remedy for German Faustpatrones. The episode was claimed to had taken place near Guben in East Prussia
​Issue dated January 17, 1943: German infantry storming a Soviet pillbox - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated January 17, 1943: German infantry storming a Soviet pillbox
​Issue dated February 20, 1944: Battles in Italy, German infantry going into battle with the support of the Tiger - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated February 20, 1944: Battles in Italy, German infantry going into battle with the support of the Tiger
​Issue dated March 24, 1940: An incident in the air defense system of the British capital - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated March 24, 1940: An incident in the air defense system of the British capital
​Issue dated November 28, 1943: German flamethrowers in battle with Soviet tanks - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated November 28, 1943: German flamethrowers in battle with Soviet tanks
​Issue dated December 27, 1936: Victorious ending of the Italo-Ethiopian War - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated December 27, 1936: Victorious ending of the Italo-Ethiopian War
​Issue dated April 21, 1940: German Air Force vs. British Fleet in the North Sea - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated April 21, 1940: German Air Force vs. British Fleet in the North Sea
​Issue dated March 10, 1940: Red Army soldiers storm the Finnish hospital, which is defended by women from Lotta Svärd - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated March 10, 1940: Red Army soldiers storm the Finnish hospital, which is defended by women from Lotta Svärd
​Issue dated January 12, 1941: German Bombing of London - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated January 12, 1941: German Bombing of London
​Issue dated April 21, 1940: German infantry captures a unit of the Norwegian army - Highlights for Warspots: The Second World War from the Italian point of view | Warspot.net
Issue dated April 21, 1940: German infantry captures a unit of the Norwegian army
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