The story of how the anti-war anthem turned into a hurrah patriotic
The history of how the British Infantry Tank Mk.III Valentine, modifications I-IV was created
Development of the famous Firefly tanks: the Sherman Vc and Sherman Ic
The history of how the British medium tank of the interwar period Medium Mk.III was created
The history of how the English medium tank Medium Tank Mk.I was created
Sometimes a true story turns out to be a lot more interesting and intriguing than fiction
A further development of the Neptune-class cruisers. From blueprints straight to the virtual dockyard
Men's jealousy in the service of German propaganda during the Second World War
The story of the second naval battle for the ice-free Norvegian port of Narvik in April, 1940
The most successful operation carried out by British destroyers in World War II
The history of how the American medium tank of the interwar period Medium Tank T1E1 was created
The history of American modifications of the Sherman tank with a 76-mm gun
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